AlphaSystem™ is a revolutionary diagnostics solution which ensures the maximum availability of critical assets
The newest technology in machine condition monitoring
AlphaSystem™ is the most advanced independent solution for condition monitoring of rotating and reciprocating machines. It is designed to elevate inhouse teams into machine condition experts and to enable more sustainable, reliable and cost-effective maintenance operations.
Industry-specific solutions
Several hardware platforms are available, enabling our customers to apply AlphaSystem™ to their specific industry and application.
Versatile application
AlphaSystem™ is easily scalable to all sizes of operations enabling real time fleet condition monitoring.
We are leading experts in measurement and analysis of torsional vibration, as well as designing easy-to-use maintenance tools for in-house maintenance teams. Our vision is to provide the most sustainable and cost-effective maintenance of machines with a single diagnostics algorithm.
New business
Alpha Diagnostics Ltd.
Christoph Merian-Ring 11
4153 Reinach Switzerland